I'm Claire!
I'm passionate about empowering women and pregnant people, guiding them and their birth partners through their birthing journey.
I want every expectant parent to look forward to their baby's birth with a sense of excitement and anticipation, rather than fear. Birth is a natural and amazing journey, and with the right tools and support, it can be a truly empowering experience.
My Story
Hey there! I'm Claire, a proud mum of two amazing boys. Before my first baby, I was pretty clueless about birth. I went into it blindly, happy to "go with the flow", trusting the hospital system without knowing much about my options. Let's just say, it wasn't the dreamy birth I'd imagined. It was intense, I felt out of control and experienced pain (it resulted in an episiotomy and assisted delivery via ventouse). The saddest thing for me now is that at the time I very much believed that that was the way of labour and birth. Painful and unpredictable to the point that there was no point in making any kind of birth preferences. How wrong I was!
Fast forward a few years, and I was pregnant again. Determined to have a different experience, I dove headfirst into hypnobirthing and birth education. I learned about the incredible power of the body and mind, and how to trust my instincts. I got my husband involved in the process and he understood how influential his role was as my birth partner. My second birth was a total game-changer – a beautiful, empowering experience that I'll cherish forever. I had a planned home birth using a variety of comfort measures and I felt like a superhero. I was on a high for weeks after giving birth and was telling anyone who would listen how amazing birth can be.
The Stirling Birth School has allowed me a bigger platform to spread that message. With my background as a teacher, I love creating fun, engaging classes where you can learn, laugh, and feel supported. I am so passionate about changing the narrative that birth is scary. Birth is beautiful! I'm here to help you rewrite the birth story. Let's break down the fear and embrace the magic of birth together!
Believe. Breathe. Birth.
Claire x
Let's connect!
I love connecting with expectant parents to chat all things birth.
Click here to visit my "Get in touch" page. I can't wait to hear from you!
Believe. Breathe. Birth.
Claire x