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"The course exceeded all our expectations, we thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much valuable information over the 4 weeks. We built our confidence and understanding around labour, birth options and rights and it brought us together to discuss these things as a couple. Using the knowledge and tips from the classes we went on to have the most positive birth experience we could have asked for." Kirsty and Craig. 

Pink Clouds


Get 5% off your Group Course Booking when booked more than a month in advance. 

Use discount code "MUM2BE5" at the checkout. 

Baby Room
"Stirling Birthing School offers you EVERYTHING you need to prepare both parents for birth. My wife and I attended in July 2023 and we feel more confident and comfortable with what we're facing. We don't know what we don't know but we know a heck of a lot more than before we walked into week one. Each week builds up all the skills we needed to cope as both birthing mother and birthing partner! We're walking into the next step as confident as we can. The course covers a range of topics, not all of which will be for you but there were plenty of things which really opened our minds. There's laughter and support in abundance in the group environment, oh and some superb snacks! If you're expecting a baby this is the class to go to!"

Cheryl and Laura.


Still have some questions? Unsure if a course is right for you? Book a 30 minute clarity call and I will call you back. This gives you a chance to connect with me and find out what it's all about! 

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NHS Forth Valley Antenatal Classes

©2022 by The Stirling Birth School.

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