My contractions started 2 days before I gave birth, but stopped around 6 hours later. During this time, I focused on my breathing as they intensified throughout the night.
Keen to get things going again, I kept active the following day with several walks. By 6pm that evening, contractions had restarted, stronger and more frequent than the previous day. By midnight, my waters broke (a wee trickle). Using the information I had gained from the course, I took myself to the spare room and focused on my breathing, trying my best to get some sleep. Leaving my partner to get some rest, I went to the living room a few hours later and used my birthing ball to try and get more comfortable. I put on a film, and focused on my breathing and use the birthing comb to distract me from the pain.
By 5am, I felt it was time to call the maternity unit and get assessed. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the hospital I was informed that I wasn’t dilated and therefore was sent home with some painkillers and told to get some sleep - easier said than done!
Contractions were too intense to sleep and so I turned to the TENS machine, whilst on the birthing ball, swaying back and forth, doing figure of 8s and leaning over it - I found this to be the most comfortable positions to be in during this time.
Things quickly escalated, with contractions intensifying to every few minutes, so less than 2 hours of the first visit to the hospital, I was back in to be reassessed and seek more pain relief. As taught in the course, your environment can really impact your progression in labour. Whilst in the car, I kept cosy, my eyes shut, music on low whilst breathing through the contractions (boosting the TENS machine for every contraction).
Upon my arrival, I was quickly assessed and informed I was 7cm dilated and was rushed to the ward. Unfortunately the AMU (my preferred place to labour) was already full so I was taken to the labour ward. Despite this, I was still able to make the room as comfortable as possible; blinds shut, low lighting and minimal distractions and staff.
As part of the course, my partner and I had created a birthing plan together (and this was printed out for both him and the midwife) so he was clear on what I wanted and was able to advocate for me if I felt I couldn't do it myself.
I wanted as natural labour as possible within minimal assessments, interventions and pain relief where possible. As labour progressed, my waters burst (exploded!) in the final stages of labour. I personally felt most comfortable on my side, so a peanut ball was positioned between my legs to keep my pelvis as open as possible. I continued to use the TENS machine and gas and air. My midwife continued to advise on optimal positioning.
The baby’s heart rate was taking longer to recover with each contraction so the midwife
recommended that an CTG was used to monitor this. Unfortunately, the CTG was dropping off at times, unable to pick up the baby’s heart rate, so the midwife advised placing a Fetal Scalp Electrode on the baby - this was something that I wanted to avoid and so I kindly declined and asked for a 2nd opinion. The doctor was called in to assess me - as I was fully dilated she advised that I did not need it and that it was time to push!
Less than 20 minutes later, baby Isabella was born!
In total, I was in labour for around 20 hours and I ended up with 2nd degree tear (baby was born with her hand on her face) but having done the preparation and attended the hypnobirthing course (thank you Claire!!!), we felt prepared for the different stages of labour, clear on our options and were able to advocate for ourselves throughout. I felt listened to, well supported and am so appreciative of the staff at Forth Valley Hospital for my birthing experience!